Will coronavirus end the union of the United Kingdom?

As the nations of the UK diverge in their routes to tackle coronavirus, is this an advert for the current devolution settlement or a warning flag that the status quo cannot continue without reform?

Originally recorded as a public webinar, this episode of #IEAsolation features SNP MP for Na h-Eileanan an Iar Angus McNeil, Conservative MP for West Aberdeenshire and Kircardine Andrew Bowie, and Professor Philip Booth, Senior Academic Fellow at the IEA and author of ‘Federal Britain: The case for decentralisation’, chaired by IEA Director-General Mark Littlewood.

Answering questions from Mark and the webinar audience, Angus, Andrew, and Philip discuss a federal system, more tax raising powers at the local level in the UK, international examples of decentralised government, and the likelihood of a future independence referendum for Scotland.

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